Nutritional Therapy and Naturopathy

Nutritional therapy and naturopathy are holistic therapies used to treat people suffering from a wide range of symptoms that can manifest on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Although many people are now becoming interested in a healthy diet, most do not realise the true therapeutic value of food and naturopathic techniques, which can be used to reverse the course of disease and to regain optimum health and vitality. Naturopathy is a system of health care that promotes the body’s own self-healing mechanism. It uses techniques such as hydrotherapy, the use of enemas, castor oil packing, dry skin brushing, fasting, and many other techniques.


Kinesiology is a complementary health therapy using simple muscle testing techniques. The theory of muscle testing was first developed by an orthopaedic surgeon, R.W.Lovett, who was working with polio victims in the 1930’s. It was further developed by a chiropractor, Dr. George Goodheart, in the 1960’s who started using muscle testing to identify strong and weak muscles. A muscle will test either strong or weak dependent on biochemical, emotional and structural needs as well as subtle energies. Techniques including nutritional supplements, techniques for emotional stress release, Bach flower remedies, acupressure, gentle structural realignment, chakra balancing, massage of reflex points, meridian running as well as lifestyle changes are used by the practitioner to improve muscle strength to prevent or reverse the course of pain and disease.

Kinesiology addresses the whole person, emotionally, physically, chemically and energetically. Being out of balance in one aspect can affect the other aspects. As an example, if you are out of balance emotionally then you can develop a chemical, physical or energetic imbalance. The aim of the Kinesiology practitioner is to detect imbalances and to correct them. Kinesiology is gentle, non-invasive and holistic therapy.

Before a kinesiology session it is important to avoid eating 2 hours prior to the consultation, avoid coffee and alcohol on the day and be well hydrated. It is important to wear comfortable clothes for the session. You may bring any supplements with you on the day for testing (but avoid taking them until after the session). Medications should be taken as usual but can be brought with you for using in the session to help lessen side effects etc.

The benefits of combining nutrition/naturopathy and kinesiology together

I am qualified in nutritional and naturopathic therapy as well as being a kinesiology practitioner. These therapies compliment one another greatly. Using them in combination I am able to:

Identify imbalances in the body, including which organs/systems in the body that need support and how best to support them
Identify food sensitivities and intolerances and offer practical nutritional guidance including a personalised programme to support the gut

Use the muscle to test to identify which supplementation will be most effective with your nutritional & naturopathic programme
I am a qualified to diplomate level as a kinesiology practitioner and am fully registered with the The Kinesiology Association (KA)

What can these therapies help with?

Kinesiology, Nutritional therapy, Naturopathy can help with weight loss, weight gain, digestive problems, IBS, low energy levels, stress, anxiety, emotional upset, sleep disorders, preparation for pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, Infertility for men and women, back pain, joint conditions, headaches, skin conditions, detoxing including heavy metal detox, food sensitivity testing, diabetes, learning difficulties including; dyslexia and dyspraxia and supporting the body to help lessen the side effects of a prescribed medication.

Using these therapies, I offer personalised treatments and treatment plans dependent on your specific needs and lifestyle. Advice is practical, realistic and designed to support your health and vitality.

What happens before and during a consultation?

Prior to the consultation a case history questionnaire will be sent to you which you must complete and return to me beforehand, this includes a 4 day drink and food diary. A case history questionnaire is very detailed and asks questions about your health and lifestyle from birth to your current age including your ancestry. You will need to spend time (at least an hour) completing this and may need to ask your relatives for help answering some of the questions. During the consultation I will use information from the questionnaire to put together a treatment plan consisting of naturopathic techniques, hydration and diet. In most sessions I will also use Kinesiology to test the body, balance muscles or make corrections. In some cases, a person may be in too much pain to be able to test well using kinesiology and it may be necessary to use a surrogate to test through or to implement other naturopathic techniques and nutritional changes first in order to improve health so that kinesiology can be used in the future. At the end of a session I will create your personalised treatment plan consisting of naturopathic techniques, hydration, lifestyle changes, diet and possibly supplements, this will be e mailed to you within 48 hours of the session along with some resources and instructions to help you.

Your personalised treatment plan

At the end of a session I will create your personalised treatment plan and prescription consisting of naturopathic techniques, hydration, lifestyle changes, diet and notes detailing the testing that took place during the session including the corrections I made and the changes I advise, this will be e mailed to you within 48 hours of the session along with some resources and instructions to help you.

How many sessions will I need?

At first you will be seen every 2-3 months usually for 2 or 3 treatments. After then it may be possible to go for longer between sessions (such as 4 to 6 months) as you will have a plan to follow, enabling you to manage transformation.