Kinesiology is used safely and effectively to identify food sensitivities, treat a variety of illnesses and conditions and can support with emotional issues. I am also qualified in testing for and treating the Primitive Reflexes using kinesiology. Kinesiology can take the guesswork away and achieve the best possible results to keep your child happy and healthy.

Kinesiology is very safe and gentle for children of all ages. I work with young children and school aged children up to 18 years old. I can help release the blocks that are inhibiting your child’s natural ability to be well and happy.

Working with babies and younger children

When working with babies and very young children, it is necessary to use a surrogate (this can be the mother, father or a friend). In order to find out more about surrogate testing please contact me.

Treating Retained Primitive Reflexes

Primitive Reflexes are essential as survival reflexes and for our development in the womb, at birth and for up to 2 years after birth. They enable repetitive, automatic movements that are essential for development of head control, muscle tone, sensory integration together with other development. They become inhibited as the movements become more practiced and controlled. Every Primitive Reflex therefore contributes to areas of a foetus, babies and child’s development. Each Primitive Reflex emerges at a certain time, remains active in order to complete its particular task and then it will integrate and no longer be active. When Primitive Reflexes remain, active difficulties could emerge.

Incomplete integration of Primitive Reflexes may be a contributing cause of ADD/ ADHD, autism, learning difficulties, developmental delay, sensory integration disorders, vision and hearing problems, behaviour issues, addiction and constant feelings of overwhelm.

Here are some other problems our children can experience if they do not integrate fully:

  • Coordination and balance
  • Sleep
  • Poor concentration
  • Dyslexia, dyspraxia
  • Allergies
  • Poor social skills
  • Insecurity, fear, anger, tantrums
  • Lack of confidence, extreme shyness
  • and many, many more, the list is endless

From the earliest stages of development in the womb the Primitive Reflexes help to develop the brain, they are the basis of our nervous system and our ability to move. The development of neural pathways in the brain are important for our emotional well-being, communication, learning, behaviours and relationships. They regulate our stress levels and if retained they trigger our flight/fight responses for no particular reason leaving us in a state of hightened stress.

How will a Kinesiology session help with Primitive Reflexes?

A wide range of imbalances can be seen in babies, children, teenagers and adults if the reflexes are retained. A Kinesiology treatment can support the integration of reflexes through identifying the imbalance and performing techniques. During the session, a range of Kinesiology tests will be performed to find out which of the reflexes are not integrated and once identified the treatment is to make corrections to support the body’s ability to integrate them. Exercises are completed enabling the brain to register them, therefore allowing their natural integration.